Well, think about the subjects that you like. And when I say think, *please do think*. Now think about the subjects that you don't like. How much time do you give to all of these subjects? Almost equal don't you? Why? Now go to Einstein and ask him about Social Science(it would be funny to see his face). "Why are asking me this?" he would say, "I don't know a thing about it". He was a Theoretical Scientist and a physicist, as far as I know. So, why do you think he needed to study Social Science at all? For exams? Think about it, if in his childhood, he had been forced to study Social Science or Arts or subjects that he didn't like, what would have had he become? Had he not given priorty to his interests, we would not have got the famous theory of relativity and the equation E = mc², might have remained a mystery. Now come to yourself. What do you want to become in the future? Well a common dream come true for most students is to pass IIT, huh! Now l...
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